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Necropunk Campaign Setting $14.99
Publisher: Little Red Goblin Games
by Jeff R. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/06/2013 20:48:28

Necropunk by Little Red Goblin Games is not the game I expected or at the time even wanted. Now let me explain why I think it’s a game that you should buy. I have chosen review Necropunk as a setting instead of a chapter by chapter break down. If you prefer that type of review please see the great review by Endzeitgeist either on or at

This is my first review and I hope that I give you an idea from my point of view why I like and hope that Necropunk is here to stay, I followed the Kickstarter for the fan support of the game but did not back it because to be honest Little Red Goblin Games was and is a small publisher that did not have the track record to convince me to support them. I was, in hindsight very wrong. I looked at the teasers and adverts and saw two words “Necro” and “Punk”. To me I thought a “Punk” setting that focused and centered on Necromancy. I’ve played and enjoyed both themes in various games from Cyberpunk to Pathfinder but never played both or even thought of both together. In my mind I felt that the campaign setting had some merit, as I was looking for a new direction to take my Pathfinder game with my friends. What I got in a PDF was something altogether different and so much better. I got a new direction to take “ROLE” playing and being able to use Pathfinder as a core mechanic. For my gaming group that suffers gross interference from the real world that gets in the way of our gaming days Pathfinder provides an engine that is easy for everyone to use as a player and a Game Master. The goals and overall themes of the Necropunk setting are to examine what is means to be human. Hence there is only one race, humans. In the far future humans have changed slightly but what has made these variances in the Necropunk setting are based in social, political and even religious ideology. Little Red Goblin Games has taken great care to present the different ideologies without preferential treatment of one over the other. Therefore the only race is human but the social, political and religious divergent are variant enough to give players plenty to work with even if they normally only play dwarves, elves or gnomes. The part that got me “hooked” was taken from the introduction. “Necropunk is so much more than a campaign setting. It is our intent to build a community around Necropunk by exploring new ground and engaging players in a way that they haven’t been engaged before.” In plain English this means that Necropunk is going to be developed as a sort of living campaign. From fiction lines that support the future books to how they present the products from language font and formatting. What LRGG has gotten right and hope to see more of in the future products Necropunk has been revised a total of six times as of this review. Various layout and sections have been moved around to help the book flow better for both the player and the game master. There have been new art worked added to the product. Some of the art work has been put into color as well; this is a nice touch considering the KS funding goal. A bonus point for me was that they have been looking at the product and reworking it to better suit both players and game masters alike. What LRGG is working on currently The continue need for formatting and editing changes but these are minor from what you would see in most small third party products. Personally I see this as an ongoing event but they have worked very hard to improve the product that you should spend your hard earned buck. The need for more examples and a starter adventure to help show off the campaign setting for a larger audience. A minor need is a PoD version.

Its a 5 out of 5 for me.

In conclusion GO BUY this setting you wont be wasting your money.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Necropunk Campaign Setting
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